Your Government Affairs Advocate for Quality Orthotic & Prosthetic Patient Care
Member of the O&P Alliance
The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance (O&P Alliance) advocates for state and federal policy that improves the practice of O&P and the quality of services provided to patients who require these health care services.
O&P Alliance organizations have developed a number of position statements that support our collective priorities. Your awareness and understanding of these position statements are critical to becoming an informed advocate.
The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance (O&P Alliance) Mission
The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance (“O&P Alliance”) is a coalition of five national O&P organizations that coordinates and prioritizes, with a united voice, O&P initiatives impacting federal/state policy and advocates to maximize the outcomes of individuals who require these health care services, and the providers who serve them.
NAAOP Membership
NAAOP members are O&P professionals who truly believe that the patient must come first.
Our message and our vision are as strong as the members who support our efforts.
Join us to advance quality O&P patient care.