To: NAAOP Members
From: Mark DeHarde – NAAOP President
On behalf of NAAOP’s Board of Directors, I would like to encourage you to attend the 2005 O&P Policy Forum in Washington, D.C., on June 20-22. Our collective efforts at this event will help set the course for the O&P field now and for years to come. Register by Friday, May 20 to receive the discounted hotel room rate. A registration form is available as a downloadable pdf.
O&P Policy Forum attendees will meet with lawmakers on issues of fundamental importance to our profession and our patients. This event is intended to be a show of force from the entire O&P community advocating for the fair and proper treatment of O&P in any Medicare legislation passed in the next two years. At the O&P Policy Forum you will be able to discuss issues impacting your practice, such as:
Opposing additional attempts to extend the current three-year Medicare payment freeze.
Seeking reasonable alternatives to abusive and intrusive Medicare audits; and,
Eliminating orthotic services from the Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS) so that patients can receive proper and timely orthotic services.
All O&P professionals must take an active interest in defending our field. Your involvement is needed now more than ever–take this opportunity to be an effective advocate for O&P.
Policy Forum events begin at 3 PM on June 20 and will conclude by 3 PM on June 22. Individuals planning to attend the Policy Forum should arrive in Washington, D.C., before 2 PM on June 20 and should schedule departing flights after 3 PM on June 22.
We look forward to seeing you in June. If you have registration questions, please call (571) 431-0876, ext. 201 (AOPA), or (800) 622-6740 (NAAOP).
Registration is only $150 per attendee. Visit to register or call AOPA at (571) 431-0876, ext. 201. Register by May 20 to receive the discounted hotel room rate.